Finally Starbuck's is getting it. For the masses that don't want to get their fat butts out of their cars (that would be me in the morning) to get a cup of java, they are making a move to add drive throughs to 350 of the company owned stores that they plan to open in 2006. Some say that they worry about Starbucks becoming McDonald's and cheapening the experience. Others say that it's about time that Starbucks catered to the car loving masses like Dunkin' Donuts has done for a long time.
For those of you with stock in this company, you should look out for the increased costs of doing business this way. Starbucks says that it takes 4 people to run just the drive through. Doh, the accountants are pulling their hair out.
I say let me get my venti peppermint mocha and get to work. Oh how sad Jennifer and I are to see the holidays go away and this most excellent of coffee drinks go away also. I does give us something to look forward to next holiday season.
reveries magazine - Starbucks as McDonald's