This is the second time in a month that I have caught wind of a great coupon that Panda Express is offering. Panda has good Chinese food although they are a bit light on the meat for my taste.
This time get a free single serving entree item when you purchase a 2 or 3 item combo plate. You need to use this Panda Express coupon quick though because it expires on October 27th.
Click on the link below to get your free food coupon from Panda Express
Premium hamburgers are all the rage in fast and casual dining right now. In fast food, there's Carl's Jr's Six Dollar Burgers, one of my favorites, or McDonald's Angus 1/3 Pounders, at last a decent reason to go to Mickey D's. In casual dining, there are the Chili's Smokehouse burgers and earlier this week I tried the TGI Friday's Jack Daniel's burger, their BBQ sauce is way too sweet for my liking.
Denny's is now putting their Better Burgers in the ring and you can try one of their updated hamburgers and fries when you buy another one and two drinks. Get your coupon by clicking on the link below.
Ok. If you love champagne (I don't know a bigger fan than my wife) and you love sushi (wait that's Jen again!) then you need to check out this Champagne and Sushi Dinner at Roy's Restaurants.
This special dinner is being held on November 9th in Baltimore or the 10th in Anaheim and other Roy's locations. For $75 per person, you get a 5 course dinner inspired by Moet & Chandon champagnes (our family favorite is Moet & Chandon White Star). This looks to be a very special evening.
I haven't had sushi at Roy's yet, but it's got to be good. Anyone out there want to share their Roy's sushi notes with me?
Ever since Rocco DiSpirito's show on NBC, I have been a fan of food and restaurant reality shows.
Currently we follow, Hell's Kitchen, Top Chef, Chef vs. City, Man v. Food and a couple of others.
Hell's Kitchen is heading into the final episodes with 3 chefs remaining. Last night's episode was a tough one to watch. Not because someone had to go home, Tennille, but because to date no one has been successful in cooking the sea bass. After how many weeks and they still can't get the fish cooked right. Although, I don't think Dave has worked this station yet. However, they were a finely tuned machine with the team work element down. They were even able to recover service and make it through after Tennille's fishy mistakes.
I give Tenille major props for being able to stand up to Chef Ramsey as he was after her last night. She went from Hero to Zero in one day. She did look good doing though, after her day at the salon and the makeover.
Dave is a rock star pure and simple. The man has cooked with one arm better than most of the chefs on this show have cooked with both. I thought Chef Ramsey had his number last night though, of course the normal cliff hangers helped egg that on. My only worry for his is that he may be doing permanent damage to his hand or arm. Who am I to say though, I don't have everything on the line every day in Hell's Kitchen.
Overall, I think that the right 3 people are in the finale. Kevin is getting a little cocky right now. I thought losing the kid challenge would have humbled him, but it didn't. Did you catch the smirk on his face when Ramsey sent Tennille home last night. Ariel is clicking along.
The family visits were a pleasant surprise! Kevin talking to his wife and son and pulling out the photobook that keeps him going. That really hit home for me. Ariel's visit from her fiance and mother was sweet. Jen said that I am never allowed to visit her on the set wearing a hat like Ariel's fiance had on. But honey I have the perfect one hanging on the garage wall. Dave couldn't keep his hands off his fiance. Do you think the sister felt uncomfortable with that?